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Showing posts from October, 2013

I had activated 8th gate for loan target

Ice cream lah. This month still lack behind loan for 25k. I already cu pattern 101 liao. Still no one wanna take with me. I offer instant cash back within one hour, give 2% also bo lang wanna take from me. Fucking man many many nowadays.  Today i spend most of my time asking to swap loan with ntb. And the rate is kind of robbing people in board daylight. Wah sibei evil. Boss say ntb is hard to come bu but loan he can do with his eyes closed. But that is him mah, not me. My eyes is fill with passion open wide wide for loan but all ice cream lah. But i do feel some referral and existing coming from my old customer.  No one is an island where a "city" that never sleep. It is literally that case for direct sale. We need to camp in office for the 12am midnight clock strikes. It is the golden timing. So good to zomm other people's loan memo. If you loan is being "zomm", you consider to have "pheu" the customer. Then u really "ice crea

It about food. Sota multi cooker

I brought the sato multi cooker finally! Retailing at $60 at expo food fair. Sat booth at audio house so get to set the unit again, this time did bring enought to buy it.  It is said to able to stream rice and 2 other dishes in 10 minutes. For the price they give u an additional stream tray and bbq plate. This unit claims to be able to stream, broil, fry, bbq and even hot pot. Could it be an over statement.  Tried myself streaming fish, tofu with minced meat and hao hao noodle after the water below boil. It didnt manage to cook properly the first 10 minutes so i try adding 10 minutes, then still see some red on the minced meat, i go for another 10 minutes.  I suspect because my sea brass was too big for the tray, it didnt close properly and i think without proper seal, the food may takes more time to cook. Anyway, after cooking i tasted the food, although not heavily seasoned, the food is cooked and taste not bad. Not too blend.  Today van brought me to long phung vietnam restaurant at

My truman show game is over

I though i was the sole survivor that out wit, out played and out lasted. However this is not the case. Seem like i was being played all along. Remind me of the movie truman show by jim carrey. Where his life is being plot, cast and directed by one producer. All the people around him just played along with the game. His life is not what he had thought all along, all the people he knew was actually total stranger.  Just like my first occurance it came happening all over again. Cheat me once shame on you, cheat me twice shame on me. Wahaha The moment of truth send my adreneline sky high. My heart raced and i can felt the chill along my spine. Just like how when you watch suspend thriller, at the last 10 minutes of the movie where they unfold missing pieces and you start seeing all the jig saw pieces coming together bit by bit. The whole espiode became vivid.  My game is being counter checkmated. Left me without options, without choice and without any moves left. Now i am left with the on

Hensel "walk in suit" and sept citibank comm sheet

Yeah! 3rd month comm sheet is out! I am having a slow increment on my commission. This month comm is $3,422 and adding up to my basic $2,600 i had cross my $6,000 mark. Yeah!! This loan my loan helped me. Thanks uncle teh! Some dso is getting 16k income a month. I am still super far away from all the top sales. Month oct, i am quiet worry. I hit my ntb sop but having almost 85% cs, i am guessing the ntb attrition might affect my overall ntb. Furthermore i am still 30k short on my loan. If i don't hit my 60k loan i might miss 60% of my commission.  Super lots pay cut for next month pay.  5 more days and i am keeping my finger crossed.  你戴上了金箍后就不再是凡人,对世间不再留恋。 曾经有一份真诚的爱摆在我的面前,但是我没有珍惜,等到失去的时候才后悔莫及,尘世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。如果上天可以给我个机会再来一次的话,我会对这个女孩说我爱她,如果非要在这份爱加上一个期限,我希望是……一万年。 自尊宝好帅! Hansel, my boss pass me his personal blazer and he so call the "hansel suit", walk in chance +300%, chrisrima +70%, cross sell ratio +65%, user get a

Citibank got bronze rookie price

So nice to get Citibank recognition. I was presented with the bronze awards for rookie challenge, NPS rating 9-10 category and 100% positive comment from mystery shopper. NPS is the after sale service survey done on random customer to rate the sales person how likely they were to recommend to other friends for the service rendered. Max point is 10 and I am in the 9 to 10 category. For Mystery shopper they will come to sales person to conduct compliance and product knowledge and the service etc, I got 100% which is i think very good. Both of us were on the off day and we decided to go to temple to pray and ask question on the path ahead, both of us asked on career advancement. Of course my question is how the future look with me switching to property market as an agent. This time I got a very good draw. 武吉遇师 武吉本来是砍柴的樵夫,认识了在胃水旁钓鱼的姜太公(子牙)。后来进城时误杀了人,被捉判死刑,武吉求救于姜太公,太公收他为徒弟并施法解救他。后来武吉被拜为大将,讨伐纣王。《封神榜》故事

Mirror of life made me look slimmer

Recently i am under an impression that i had slimmed down. Since poly i didnt manage to keep my a&f body liao. Maybe because of the mirror made me look slimmer. Anyhow show u the picture.  Maube because my sleepless night, maybe because my focus at work. But if you wanna slim i suggest sex cause its anaerobic and cardio. I think lah. Mo i am serious. Sex made you slim. Don't believe take a look at osim igallop.  I think reader miss me. My ex gf miss me. My stranger miss me. So today on "women" day i going to shine my picture here.  I heard my boss ask me to go office at 8:30am??? I thought it is punishment again. Never know because tomorrow got award presentation. I do not know what award i will be presented btw.  Citi is like a box of chocolate. You never know.  This weekend i ab both booth at cck and admirity to spend time with mimi. Today i had my most disgusting meal at hagen daz. So fucking sweet everything. The brownies, the eclair, the ice cream and etc. maybe

So many got crowned at 36

I want to dine inside equinox with my new purchased prada bag. That will be happening next month! How great it is ingulge in luxury lifestyle. You know i believe one thing, if you keep saying you are. You are! A lot of people ask me why i do not want to find a local girlfriend. I also don't know why, i don't even propsect on one. I make exclusion to make sure that i don't even want to get to know one singaporean lady.  Not saying anything wrong with local singaporean. They are good enough for me, just that probably i find myself not good enough for them.  我们约会吧. Chai yang had been standing there more than 1 year. She and her nonsense. Then recently she got sucessfully matched with a guy. I kind of miss her and the show will be never the same without her.  Using one of the many quotes she used. 彪悍的人生不必代言,我是蔡旸。虽然躺着也中枪,但是睡姿要漂亮。She is always so much of a surprise. She is gone for good. She will be missed by many.  The landlord is soon going away for a 10 days business trip, i c

Team CT reward dinner at todai

Okie. Time to talk about citi dso team CT. In citibank we have team from A to Z. Group head each oversea a numbers of team, vincent is my group head together with 4 other teams.  I am under team C and is being lead by Hansel who will report to vincent.  Top left to right: gary ng, paul lin, hong da, jeff foong Bottom  left to right: Eileen chua, hansel (team manager), alicia tran, karine tan According to what i had heard, our team had been along god like for top teams for a number of row and had all the people running for champion forum previous led by TM adam. Adam had been promoted to head of telesale at the same time I joined CT.  In my defination, now we had 2 pillar from our team, jeff and hond da isi running for champion forum. Others were chopstick as they are essentially everyday bread and butter. For me, i am a toothpick. For convenient purpose nia. My numbers are damn ciu.  Anyway, our team had the best culture compared to other teams which requires all dso to come back early

Got punish because pot luck with mimi

Top beauty in 36. Mimi and marry. Stumble upon 36 with yeo boon leong once when we ab booth at katong 112. The place grew on me as the place is uncle style. Not so rowdy, all keeping to themselve, of course hand not to themselve most if the time. Wahaha. Oh ya. Beer is cheap as well.  It is a place okie for me to sing 掌声响起 and 流水年华. Somemore let other people to sing along with me. No people discriminate me for my passion for oldies, even felt being appreciated for loving oldies.  I wonder why yeo boon leong is so blended into the philliphino gathering place outside vivocity. This guy got pork by citi cause his gf, a maid brought him home to hanky panky. Then subsequently joining OCBC and became super slacker inside.  Never know sushi tei serve so high quality sashimi. I always thought they like sake sushi standard, opps i was wrong.  Highlander at clarke as 3 of us is having off day on the same day. At least i unlike someone just ab booth. And it is just entertain to see boon leong got

30th birthday

A year pass quickly, the previous year celebration at medez is still vivid and i am already celebrating my 30th 大寿。As usual low profile celebration with a couple of friends. This year spent with 36's boss and they are having bikini night as event.  Facebook is greeted with wishes from those i most expected. Some unexpected, haha. Mimi had brought me a pen as my balenciaga been spolit by my colleauge. It had so much sentimental value loh. Now it just lay livelessly in my pen. Been searching for pen repair service in singapore but in vine.  Month september numbers is dreadful. Been sick for 2 weeks, on some days i can't even speak. Luckily i have loan to cover my commission for september. I had to buckle up for october because it is my lock on month. 30ntb and 60k loan. Scary. Mimi earning more than me, i had to concentrate more on working like she does. Hao hao noodle with tomatoes , lime, chilli sauce and eggs. This month i want to eat you.