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Showing posts from February, 2013

唱吧!手机ktv 攻略刷榜

1。不要用真人头像除非你是高富帅或白富美 2。互粉,多听人的歌,多留言,建立良好关系。记得粉丝团在于"精"不在于"量" 3。唱时一定要用耳机。可用带mic的也可以用没mic的耳机。本人喜欢不带mic的耳机对着手机唱。喷mic会少些echo也会多些。 4。如果带mic的耳机唱时喷mic严重,请把mic向外,唱时朝mic的45度唱。别对准mic吼。 5。刷榜多开几个小号,几架手机同时刷试听,25秒后关歌在开算一次。留言越多越好别留多过10个在同一个人,不然会被言禁。再来就是花花。每个小号3朵花。 (如果想刷榜可加我angel_garynbc) Recently into this china app called 唱吧!手机ktv. Can only install through china region hence there are very little singapore playing this app. A lot of chio bu but most of them are not using their own picture of course. And the system kind of very funny, you get into the 龙谷榜 not because you have the killer voice but because you have a lot of supporter. Most of the number one inside sucks. Btw if you happen to have 唱吧。我的id是angel_garynbc. Angel 马甲是我qq群里的家族。在qq里混的这些日子让我交到好多知心好友,也让我打华语字越来越快了。哈哈。中国朋友也越来越多!