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Showing posts from September, 2023

Brompton P Line

​well. I sold my old superlight raw lacquer for a $700 profile. This bike is so great that both of us has seller remorse over it. I mean I could have profit a 1.3k at least. Show u by ex photo.  Well. My 3sixty chrome is still with me. Like my 初恋情人. Cannot be replaced even by the atas Brompton. Show u my 初恋. Although she is also available on carousel.  Now after Jacky gets her red superlight and I buy another P line storm grey. Our collection in garage a s follows. Soon we will need to buy the sets of tools to repair and maintain our bike. Stay tuned. 

using a new blogging platform blogger plus

​I love blogging again. But I hate google blogspot platform. Doesn’t have a good app for me to use to publish my post.  Let try to upload my Macau trip Okie. Just realise I need to allow the “blogger plus” have Google drive access to upload picture.  And lastly I think there is a double up strategy to almost sure win in casino. I play the game big small with near 50% win rate. With enough capital, I can sure win without black swan events. The trick is to only buy 1 option only. Everyday win $100 go home sleep. Eat and drink free inside. Nice!! Update: 06 Feb 2024. Deleted the useless blogger platform. As the photos need to have certain google access which I am not comfortable with. Decided you know to convert back to blogging using PC.