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Showing posts from January, 2015

2015 resolution & wishlist

It's the time of the year again. To set and review my resolution for 2014/15. Still remember my resolution of 2014 is: Get paycheck of 8k a month in Citibank Close my first listing in Property Euro Trip My resolution was short only 3 and I had only managed to archive one. The year 2013 is good with me focusing much on my career at work. Saving money and spend a bit along the way. As mum is getting out of job and father leaving us, the weight of the family responsibility falls on me. And that's a good thing cause it train me to be more responsible and recognize that working is part of me growing up. Rather than keep thinking of financial freedom which is over rated, I had a job that actually feed me food. Quoting Stephen Hawking that "Work gives you meaning and purpose, and life is empty without it."  Now moving forward, new year resolution 2015 Get 120k annual income Lose weight to 72kg Going Champion forum Go Korean and Europe Quit Smoking