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Mum and I moved away from father

We brought a guinea pig, named fatty bombom. A typical introduction will be me introducing the guinea pig as a new member to our family and how all of us adore the new pet, ending with a happily ever after. However, not for my case.

This guinea pig had precusored a family tragedy which likely leads to a divorce between a couple, a complete tie cut between a father and son and a ugly situation of family members competing for monetaries. This is my introduction for my pet.

Its overrated to put the blame on the pet. Put it this way, an already shattered family without love for each other, is like a high pressured; leaking gas cylinder. So readily to combust and a pet had triggered an ignition. BOOM!!!!!!!

When we bring home fatty bombom, I thought its only courteous to inform him about it. No rymth and reson he started to scold me and complain about me using air con and not doing household shore, bla bla bla. And he threaten to throw my guinea pig out the next day. Through out the whole commotion, i just kept my silent. I do not know what did he said. Somehow he just manage to waken the bengness in me, like when i was 17. The past which i tried hard not to become, buried deep in some neverland. That moment I erputed, like totally being taken control. In my trance, my adrendine maxed out where my body gain awareness peak, fight or flight mode. My heart raced, pupil dilated and every single pores excreted cold sweat. The adrendine rush overwhlemed me and trying hard to find source to disspate, so it ended up making my whole body shiver. Its not that i am scared, i am so ready to take him like a men, one on one we talk outside kind of fight. My poor old lady stood between us attempt to stop our fight. We exchanged valgurities at each other, he proclaimed himself as the owner of the house, scolded CLP as well, telling her he don't ever wish to see her again at our house. Is either of this reason or the fact that he said he don't wanna pay electric bill lim peh and lim bu decided that we have hax enough. If its hard ball he wants to play, then hard ball it is. We had a short debrief between lim bu and CLP, we want a divorce and we are moving out.

We are comtemplating a series of pay back. We gotten sweep him off guard. But its very confidential to disclose our plan now. So check back later. As quickly as possible i applied 2 day urgent leave with my boss at 11pm at night, by the next morning we packed our essential stuff and we are gone staying at my aunt house. Clp and ethan came helped me to move. This isn't childplay or a getaway. This is for real and it gonna be permanent. We are dead serious. 有你没我的境界. But we must do the divorce asap so he would not have the time to react and also to prevent my mum from giving in again. She is very flicker minded on this and she had already endured him for so long.

2nd morning, we went back and packed our other stuff, i even moved my desktop, 人去搂空 basically. Stay tune, for future exciting titles:

-Building cage for fatty bombom

-Living live before and after

-家好月圆 singapore version

-- Post From My iPhone


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