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2013 resolution & wishlist

Its the time of the year for my own personal appraisal. Time to set new resolution and review on my old resolution for last year. I had highlighted at the bottom with green that all the item that I had achieved.

For year 2013

Achieve 3k/month profit for buyincase shop
Lose 8kg body weight to 72kg
Get a property agent license
Get to 3 different country this year

comestically make over : Attempted in poly time, now revert back to old self
get grades enough for me to enter uni: Achieved the grade, (very good job)
quit smoking: Attempt a few time, quitted twice, once with Liwen and the other time in Bendigo
treasure the most important person in my live: Still didn't change much
socially more confidence and out going: Bad to worst
overcome stage fright: Joined Toastmaster and host Lilian's wedding dinner :)

2010 wishlist
Renovate my room: Not done
Buy a good bed frame and matress: Achieved
Second hand espresso machine: Achieved
Ceiling fan in room: Not done
Optional game console: Achieved
Nexus one mobile phone: No comment cause its optional

2011 no resolution

I reckon that I didn't follow much to my new year resolution but did manage to obtain quite a number on my wishlist. In my poly time, i was quite productive and achiever. After i start working, things completely changed. I felt I lost all my mojo, live is such boring and mundane. Nevertheless, setting resolution had became a routine so here it goes.

2012 resolution
Manage the admin renovation completely:
Joint venture into handphone counter before July: achieve 5k profit this year
Ebay shop need to set up properly:
Go dinner with colleague more often:
Treasure the most important person in my life and be more patience
Complete competent communicator project 10


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